Ion Saliu Links

Ion Saliu has a complete page at Lotto analysis and Ion Saliu. Find out more about Ion Saliu, and his mathematical philosophies. Links to some of his best articles at Saliu Links Saliu Search The World Message Board Saliu Articles The Fundamental Formula of Gambling Mathematics Of The Fundamental Formula Of Gambling (FFG) … Read more »

Lotto analysis and Ion Saliu

As you may have noticed, this fellow, Ion Saliu gets mentioned a bit here at G Network Lotto. At his website you will find all the mathematics needed to beat the odds at lotto, plain and simple. It can be quite a study, all this mathematics, which includes the Mathematics Of Combinatorics: Permutations (Factorial), … Read more »

Free Lotto Software – best to WIN Jackpot

The best free Lotto software available – if you want to WIN the Jackpot – is by Ion Saliu of MDIEditor & Lotto WE is by far the best Lotto program in its field, probably in the world. It has a completely different approach to looking at Lotto and Powerball games, in terms of Skips … Read more »

Value Betting

Concept This concept of value, simply put, is an estimate – usually made by a professional racing analyst – of the horses worth, or ability in the race expressed as a number – odds, dollars, percentage, ratios, etc. – these days usually as a dollar value. Factors There are complex algorithms and theory used to … Read more »

Lotto Results

Lotto Results Australia

Lotto Results Australia – Saturday Lotto, and Weekday Windfall Lotto (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) appear below. Latest Lotto Results followed by results history. Includes Lotto Results Search, and direct links for Prize Dividends. Lotto Results TV | Video | How to Play | Prize Chart | Subscribe | SAT Lotto | Weekday Windfall Lotto – Prize … Read more »