Lotto analysis and Ion Saliu

As you may have noticed, this fellow, Ion Saliu gets mentioned a bit here at G Network Lotto. At his website you will find all the mathematics needed to beat the odds at lotto, plain and simple. It can be quite a study, all this mathematics, which includes the Mathematics Of Combinatorics: Permutations (Factorial), … Read more »

Long Term Winning

Did you WIN mate? People will often ask after a race day or gaming session, “Did you WIN mate?” The answer to this question, is what this article is all about. Success In any form of punting or gaming, success must ultimately be determined by the $Units Returned (PROFIT) over time – otherwise, it is … Read more »

Win on Pokies – Is there a way of Winning on Pokies?

win on pokies

Is there a way of Winning on Pokies? This article is written especially for regular players of Poker machines – or “Pokies” as they are known in Australia – and their quest to Win on Pokies. Win on Pokies? This article presents an interesting approach, and some good ideas, on how to Win on Pokies. … Read more »